IOC strips Armstrong of Olympic medal

As the Wall Street Journal pointed out yesterday, Lance Armstrong’s road to redemption begins with jail time.

“The IOC has stripped Lance Armstrong of his bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney Olympics because of his involvement in doping, officials familiar with the decision told The Associated Press on Thursday.’ [AP]

One thought on “IOC strips Armstrong of Olympic medal”

  1. “The IOC will not reallocate Armstrong’s bronze medal, just as the UCI decided not to declare any winners for the Tour titles once held by the Texan. Spanish rider Abraham Olano Manzano, who finished fourth in Sydney, will not be upgraded and the bronze medal placing will be left vacant in Olympic records.”


    The irony is they can’t upgrade the positions of the rest of the podium, as they were doping, too. The sanctimony of IOC and UCI is perverse.

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