Humanitarian: Bloomberg to limit painkillers in hospitals

In the olden days, “you did have to suffer a little bit.”

“Yesterday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and city officials unveiled a new initiative to limit supplies of prescription painkillers in the city’s emergency rooms as a way to combat what they described as a growing addiction problem in the region. Some critics, as documented by The New York Times, however, felt the move would unnecessarily hurt poor and uninsured patients who use emergency rooms as their primary care doctor. Needless to say, Mr. Bloomberg was not swayed by this line of argument.” [Politicker]

8 thoughts on “Humanitarian: Bloomberg to limit painkillers in hospitals”

  1. Bloomberg has an ulterior motive as all lefty schemes do. I’m not sure what it is, but it might a warm up for ObamaScare.

  2. If Bloomberg ever needs pain meds, I hope he is met with

    “Life’s a little hard sometimes, isn’t it, Mister Pill Popper? You’ll live.”

  3. Obama lets his EPA perform illegal death causing human experiments. Now Bloomberg is going to require doctors torture people. I believe I live in Nazi Germany.

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