Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal

“In what is now known as the “Richard Windsor” lawsuit, named after the false identity I discovered outgoing administrator Lisa Jackson had created for herself, the Environmental Protection Agency hand-delivered a CD to me a few minutes before 5 PM on Monday, their deadline under a court order to produce “approximately 3,000” emails to or from Jackson’s secondary or “alias” email account(s).
As the punchline goes, that’s when the fight started.”


2 thoughts on “Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal”

  1. This is hiding something. Maybe that something isn’t as big a deal as I can imagine, but the reality of an administrative agency with it’s hands in everything being untrustwothy, obstructive and dishonest should be enough to destroy it or at least gut it and start over. What’s Obama waiting for?

  2. We should make a big deal out of the name, “Richard Windsor”. It is the nome de webbe of an S&M/B&D porn entrepreneur as well — that is, I assume “as well” and not the same person.
    Not that I would descend to vulgarity.

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