6 thoughts on “Global warming to chill Obama’s inauguration”

  1. Howdy Andrew
    The “peer reviewed literature” on climate change swings all kinds of ways. The alarmists have made a habit of “escape hatch” writing, though. And the peer review process has shown itself to be weak or even corrupt, generally in favor of the alarmist view.
    The big thing about the alarmist literature is that the predictions fall into a few categories: things that happen whether the theory is correct or false, things that haven’t happened, and things that have happened but cannot be clearly attributed to the AGW theory.

  2. Are we reading the same article, Andrew?
    “stratospheric warmings would become less frequent with climate change, however, just the opposite has happened and they have become more frequent”
    More is less is more is less is more…. My head hurts.

  3. “Scientists about a decade ago predicted that stratospheric warmings would become less frequent with climate change, however, just the opposite has happened and they have become more frequent. ” This is my favorite paet of the article.

  4. Uh, Steve – the story doesn’t say global warming is causing this event. Just that climate change may be leading to more of these events, as is indicated in the peer reviewed literature.

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