Food Libeling: CSPI says Cheesecake Factory’s Bistro Shrimp Pasta is ‘food porn’

But are the food nannies at CSPI right/honest about anything?

“A Cheesecake Factory pasta dish with 3,120 calories – or more than a day and a half of the recommended caloric intake for an average adult – is among the headliners on this year’s Xtreme Eating list of the most unhealthy dishes at U.S. chain restaurants.” [Reuters]

[CSPI: 40 years of food libeling]

4 thoughts on “Food Libeling: CSPI says Cheesecake Factory’s Bistro Shrimp Pasta is ‘food porn’”

  1. Paul–You make a good point. I also wondered why Liberals, who loudly protest if morality is brought into any discussion, would be using a word that definitely is meant to convey the item is bad. Wouldn’t that make porn bad then?

  2. Food porn? In other words, everybody wants it and billions will be spent obtaining it. Isn’t that the kind of product every company wants to sell?

  3. Food porn? Media people and alarmists need to be relabeled as “life crushers” because that is the obvious goal. No one on earth should enjoy life in way, except the chosen few. Now these people figure they are unstoppable and this will only get worse. (It doesn’t help that Coke just sold out and is trying to kiss behinds over the sugar deal. No matter what Coke may think, they just AGREED the sugar is evil, soda is evil, and they themselves are to blame when Coke is a thing of the past.)
    Orwell was uncanny in his description of “double think, double speak”. Too bad people foolishly believed such behaviour could only occur in fiction. They were so wrong.

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