2 thoughts on “Finally, one of Gore’s trained presenters debates a climate skeptic”

  1. The point of this debate from a skeptics’ perspective might have been to show that the AGW/ACC argument is factually incorrect, logically flawed, and generally inane. That perspective is flawed: NONE OF THAT MATTERS to the opposing side.

    In all actuality, the Al Gore camp counts this as a stunning victory: to them this was just a chance to re-re-re-repeat their message, and to gain a bit more legitimacy in the process.

    Mission Accomplished.

  2. He was a little too easy to thrash, I wouldn’t be very proud of that.

    The Al Gore training camp must have given these people a false sense of security (or superiority), I would really think that anybody with a medical degree could have foreseen that. Ego must have been in his way, not unlike the founder of this religious sect

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