Enviros oppose ‘clean energy’ in Ireland

Windmills would be eyesores.

“UK and Irish ministers will today sign an agreement that could see some of the world’s largest wind turbines built across the Irish midlands. Stretching more than 600 feet (180 metres) in the air, the towers are set to generate energy for millions of UK homes from 2017. The companies involved say the Irish power is a cheaper form of renewable than UK offshore wind. But environmentalists have described the scheme as “crazy”. They say it risks damaging Ireland’s landscape.” [BBC]

2 thoughts on “Enviros oppose ‘clean energy’ in Ireland”

  1. The prettiest form of energy that doesn’t produce smoke or CO2 is nuclear.
    “…the towers are set to generate energy for millions of UK homes from 2017.” Not by the history of UK wind energy, they won’t. Or only sometimes and at several times the cost of conventional or even nuke.

  2. True enviros, them Irish ones. Stuff clean energy where it belongs; they’ve got lots of renewable peat to burn.

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