3 thoughts on “Enviro: 5 Ways President Obama Could Fight Climate Change Now”

  1. “An enviro apparently thinks that Obama can reduce atmospheric CO2 levels to 350 ppm all by himself.”

    Well, he is “The One,” after all. He’s the King Knute of our age. “He’s bad, he’s beautiful, he’s crazy! It’s…It’s the man with no name!”

    “We need to leave tar sands oil in the ground, not pump it across the continent in a pipeline sure to leak.”

    If it does, it’ll leak back into the ground from whence it came.

  2. 4.Deny approval of the Keystone Pipeline:

    The Keystone Pipeline would transport up to 35 million gallons of oil every day from Canada’s tar sands — one of the dirtiest and most carbon-intensive energy sources in the world — to the Gulf Coast. That’s why Dr. James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, has called the Keystone Pipeline “Game Over” for the climate. We need to leave tar sands oil in the ground, not pump it across the continent in a pipeline sure to leak.”


    What’s this “WE” $#l+ ?

    False dichotomy.

    Canada isn’t going to leave it the ground. They can ship it to the U.S. (best), or transport it to the orient. Shipping it to the U.S. is infinitely more desirable. Should be to the environmentalist whackos, too, but they have their heads stuck in the sand.

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