Draft federal climate assessment report released for public review

A 60-person Federal Advisory Committee (The “National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee” or NCADAC) has overseen the development of this draft climate report.

The NCADAC, whose members are available here (and in the report), was established under the Department of Commerce in December 2010 and is supported through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It is a federal advisory committee established as per the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972. The Committee serves to oversee the activities of the National Climate Assessment. Its members are diverse in background, expertise, geography and sector of employment. A formal record of the committee can be found at the NOAA NCADAC website.

The NCADAC has engaged more than 240 authors in the creation of the report. The authors are acknowledged at the beginning of the chapters they co-authored.

Following extensive review by the National Academies of Sciences and by the public, this report will be revised by the NCADAC and, after additional review, will then be submitted to the Federal Government for consideration in the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA) Report. For more information on the NCA process and background, previous assessments and other NCA information, please explore the NCA web-pages. The NCA is being conducted under the auspices of the Global Change Research Act of 1990 and is being organized and administered by the Global Change Research Program.

To simply access and read the draft report, please download the chapters below. However, if you would like to submit comments on the report as part of the public process, you will need to enter the “review and comment system” and register with your name and e-mail address and agree to the terms. All comments must be submitted through the review and comment system.

Access the full report.

5 thoughts on “Draft federal climate assessment report released for public review”

  1. Does the website providing this for “public comment” state anywhere that “input from ‘deniers’ will be actively ignored?”

  2. Ok, here we go, some vulnerable claims from the introduction.

    Many more impacts of human-caused 5 climate change have now been observed. (Human causation cannot be observed, only imputed or ascribed.)

    Americans are noticing changes all around them. (This is supposed to be based on meteorological records, not personal anecdotes.)

    Long-term, independent records from weather stations, satellites, ocean buoys, 23 tide gauges, and many other data sources all confirm the fact that our nation, like the rest of the 24 world, is warming, precipitation patterns are changing, sea level is rising, and some types of 25 extreme weather events are increasing. (These records are *not* ‘independent’, and have either been fudged or show no such trends.)

    Next up: the Executive Summary.

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