Black Carbon Twice as Dangerous as Previously Thought, Scientists Say

If black carbon is causing even more warming, what then does that say about greenhouse gas warming?

“The black carbon produced by diesel engines is nearly twice as damaging to the planet as estimated in 2007 and trails only carbon dioxide as the most dangerous climate pollutant, according to an article published online today in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.” [Inside Climate News]

3 thoughts on “Black Carbon Twice as Dangerous as Previously Thought, Scientists Say”

  1. Yes, gamecock, if CO2 is the leading “climate pollutant”, and it doesn’t pollute the climate, the item in second place must benefit the climate, I guess, or something like that.
    And of course the answers to “black carbon”, which probably doesn’t do anything to climate but is likely a long-term health threat, are — methane, coal-fired electricity, nuclear power…

  2. “The black carbon produced by diesel engines is nearly twice as damaging to the planet as estimated in 2007”

    But today’s estimate should be fully trusted.

    BTW . . . what’s two time nothing?

  3. Centuries ago every single home heating unit (wood fire) and interior and exterior lighting unit (candles and torches) was a source of Carbon Black. The Little Ice Age must have been horrendously warm!

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