Adapt or Die: Why the Environmental Buzzword of 2013 Will Be 'Resilience'

Fear adaptation. Since global warming alarmists have failed to take control of the economy with energy controls, they will seek to do so through adaptation measures.

“And just as the international community has worked to make the global economy more resilient in the face of major financial shocks, so we need to design cities and systems that minimize environmental shocks when they happen, as David Cole, the chief risk officer of the reinsurer Swiss Re, put it: ‘Coping with the economic and climate-change crises is unfortunately no longer seen as a continuum, but as opposing choices. The idea has gained ground that we can’t have solutions to both. But we need to go beyond this thinking-in-boxes approach. So because smart risk management is about taking a holistic stance on situations, we should do the same when it comes to the economic and climate-change challenges we’re facing’.” [Time]

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