US navy will dismantle minesweeper stranded on coral reef; Faces fines for eco-damages from Philippines gov’t

Oughtn’t we get some sort of permanent credit for MacArthur returning? Continue reading US navy will dismantle minesweeper stranded on coral reef; Faces fines for eco-damages from Philippines gov’t

The disparity of carbon dioxide emissions vividly illustrated by competing news stories

“So on one hand, we have draconian regulations that are stagnating the economies of the countries in the EU, while at the same time, China is thumbing their nose at the idea and going at coal like pigs in a buffet line.” Continue reading The disparity of carbon dioxide emissions vividly illustrated by competing news stories

State Dept’s Keystone XL Review Will Face EPA Scrutiny a Third Time

“One of the biggest unknowns in the unfolding Keystone XL debate is the role the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency might play.” Continue reading State Dept’s Keystone XL Review Will Face EPA Scrutiny a Third Time

Study: Husbands who do more traditionally female housework have less sex

But “men who refuse to help around the house could increase conflict in their marriage and lower their wives’ marital satisfaction.” Continue reading Study: Husbands who do more traditionally female housework have less sex

Nature Editorial: Obama should tell the coal industry to ‘clean up or fade away’

But he should approve Keystone XL to get credibility with industry and conservatives. Continue reading Nature Editorial: Obama should tell the coal industry to ‘clean up or fade away’

Center for American Progress’ Christie Hefner: Climate change a factor in Chicago’s murder rate

She said it before she denied it and then admitted it. Continue reading Center for American Progress’ Christie Hefner: Climate change a factor in Chicago’s murder rate