Schwarzenegger lauds Austria’s environmental record ahead of launch of climate change project

In case you were wondering where he was… Continue reading Schwarzenegger lauds Austria’s environmental record ahead of launch of climate change project

Scientists may have received millions in duplicate funding

“… over the past two decades funding agencies may have awarded millions and possibly billions of dollars to scientists who submitted the same grant request multiple times — and accepted duplicate funding.” Continue reading Scientists may have received millions in duplicate funding

Dem Senators to Obama: ‘We know air pollution can cause… premature death’

So why does the EPA get to experiment on sick and old people with high levels of killer PM2.5? Continue reading Dem Senators to Obama: ‘We know air pollution can cause… premature death’

Al Gore urges David Letterman not to despair about global warming: ‘There’s a lot of opportunity in this crisis’

A skeptical Letterman challenged Gore as to whether he really has gone green in his personal life. Continue reading Al Gore urges David Letterman not to despair about global warming: ‘There’s a lot of opportunity in this crisis’

Nat’l Wildlife Fed: ‘Climate change is the biggest threat wildlife will face this century’

“Though animals have adapted to natural climate variation since the beginning of time…” Continue reading Nat’l Wildlife Fed: ‘Climate change is the biggest threat wildlife will face this century’

Gore calls lack of climate-related questions in presidential debates ‘pathetic’

When asked if he was personally comfortable to have his media organization essentially “profit from oil,” Gore said, “Well, I see if differently. Continue reading Gore calls lack of climate-related questions in presidential debates ‘pathetic’