Former Obama ‘car czar’ likens Paul Krugman’s economic analysis to climate change denial

“[T]o me, being a debt denier is the same thing as being a climate change denier.” Continue reading Former Obama ‘car czar’ likens Paul Krugman’s economic analysis to climate change denial

Feds spend $80 million now to possibly save $170 million over 20 years on energy efficiency at military base

Honeywell hits the honey pot today for false and/or futile hopes of tomorrow. Continue reading Feds spend $80 million now to possibly save $170 million over 20 years on energy efficiency at military base

North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy

Since the North Carolina Medical Board failed to provide us with any rational whatsoever for its closing its investigation of the EPA human testing docs, we must ask why. Continue reading North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy