Toronto must overhaul aging infrastructure to meet dramatic climate change projections, study shows

It’s gonna need a bigger tax base, too. Continue reading Toronto must overhaul aging infrastructure to meet dramatic climate change projections, study shows

Draft UN climate report shows 20 years of overestimated global warming, skeptics warn

“Their predictions have largely failed, four times in a row… what that means is that it’s time for them to re-evaluate.” Continue reading Draft UN climate report shows 20 years of overestimated global warming, skeptics warn

Public interest group sues EPA for FOIA delays, claims agency ordered officials to ignore requests

“Another federal lawsuit has been filed alleging that senior Environmental Protection Agency officials violated the Freedom of Information Act, this time by instructing subordinates to ignore two FOIA requests from a non-profit advocacy group that is often critical of the agency.” Continue reading Public interest group sues EPA for FOIA delays, claims agency ordered officials to ignore requests

Scotland: An unexpected consequence of wind energy

We had only ever envisaged [a back up generator] this as a protection against power cuts – but the experience of this morning has thrown up a different problem. Continue reading Scotland: An unexpected consequence of wind energy