Obama: Some Gun Control Measures ‘I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action’

“I’m confident that there are some steps that we can take that don’t require legislation and that are within my authority as president.” Continue reading Obama: Some Gun Control Measures ‘I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action’

Tough limits on global greenhouse gas emissions could reduce some climate change damage by two-thirds…

… and reduce our standard of living and quality of life by 99%? Continue reading Tough limits on global greenhouse gas emissions could reduce some climate change damage by two-thirds…

Hansen on Renewables: Like ‘believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy’

“But when Hansen suggests what to do about [global warming], many [climate alarmists] tune him out. Some even roll their eyes.” Continue reading Hansen on Renewables: Like ‘believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy’

Debunking the Denial: ’16 Years of No Global Warming’

“The difficulties in debunking blatant antireality are legion. You can make up any old nonsense and state it in a few seconds, but it takes much longer to show why it’s wrong and how things really are.” Continue reading Debunking the Denial: ’16 Years of No Global Warming’