5 thoughts on “Effort to Curb Dangerous Coolant Falters, Sometimes at Home”

  1. Silly article but it is very likely to get the save-the-planet types thinking. Sooner or later they are going to have to replace the older systems with newer, supposedly less polluting ones. However if you need to save the planet today there are lot’s of options. We could require replacement of old systems by 1/1/2014, then the world would be saved, totally by the US. We could also just ban air conditioning, especially in large buildings and businesses such as the NYT. They would cut our energy consumption and reduce GHG from the production of electricity as well as CFC elimination.

    Saving the planet is a tough job, especially trying to get other folks to make sacrifices so you can live comfortably. The save the planet types were silly when I was in college 50 years ago and they seem to be sillier now.

  2. HCFCs, as always, are heavier than ozone. They don’t rise into the upper atmophere any more than ground based ozone does.This leaves the question: Are the authors ignorant or committing fraud?

  3. I suspect , but haven’ t confirmed that the EPA’s concern about the hazards of Freon and all its various chemical variations, is as totally baseless as its concern about CO2

  4. “It’s totally illegal to vent gas, but it’s also totally inconspicuous,” said Stephen O. Andersen, a former E.P.A. official…
    If it’s that hard to detect—maybe it’s not as bad as we thought.

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