8 thoughts on “Bloomberg endorses Obama because of global warming”

  1. Bloomberg endorses Obama because they are both on the same cripple America via the green movement team. Global warming?? What global warming?

  2. It looks to me like it would be relatively easy to build storm gates at the mouth of the hudson – close them during a major storm. Why this hasn’t been done already ??? They do this stuff in Europe.

    I suspect the eco-freeks would stop the project for some reason or other.

  3. Those poor Eastern US states hit by Sandy are experiencing a true Earth day .A week plus long living in the dark,cold,no gas ,water, electricity ,transportation, no food ,a Week Plus of No carbon emission. Is this not what those enviro nuts are asking from our society? … well there you go Zero Human Carbon Emission. How do they like the EARTH HOUR now?

  4. He also wants the federal government (taxpayers) to pick up the entire $6 billion in damages caused by the storm. Something about state and local governments hit hard because of the economy. Well if he had any brains he would know Obama is the cause of the poor economy. Typical liberal democrat.

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