Denmark abandons sugar and fat taxes

“A world-leading ‘fat tax’ has been abolished in Denmark, with the country admitting the controversial attempt at engineering a healthier populace has failed. A planned tax on some high-sugar foods has also been abandoned, marking a setback for advocates of this method of encouraging health.

According to the Danish Ministry of Taxation the country’s tax on unhealthy, high-fat products had driven up prices and put jobs at risk…” [Nature]

Odd (and Not-too-Bright) Couple: Richard Muller & Mitch Daniels push nat gas by way of climate alarmism

Berkeley climate clown Richard Muller and befuddled Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels write in today’s Wall Street Journal [Our comments in bold brackets]: Continue reading Odd (and Not-too-Bright) Couple: Richard Muller & Mitch Daniels push nat gas by way of climate alarmism