EHP refuses to investigate EPA researcher misconduct

Environmental Health Perspectives editor Hugh Tilson today refused to investigate EPA researchers for scientific misconduct, offering instead to handle the matter as a mere “letter to the editor.”

Last week we transmitted to Tilson prima facie evidence that EPA researchers Andrew Ghio, Wayne Cascio and Martha Sue Carraway committed researcher misconduct by omitting material information from a September 2011 study.

There so far is no “good faith” dispute of the facts we presented. Allowing Ghio/Cascio/Carraway to escape investigation/prosecution by simply responding to a letter (likely in an obfuscatory manner) is unacceptable.

Obama halted EPA regs for political split second to plan massive 2013 environmental regs

“Obama was not kidding when he said that ‘voting is the best revenge’ because he may have the last laugh whether he gets re-elected or not.” [Kerry Picket, Washington Times]