4 thoughts on “War on Coal”

  1. A “wag the dog” scenario could be the October surprise.

    Regardless, this President will be done come November 6.

  2. Speaking of war and coal: Romney has a good shot at the presidency if he can motivate the ‘energy voters’. But if the Middle East turns into a multi-state shooting war (or even if Israel drops the hammer on Iran), voters will want to keep a sitting president *even if* he’s a screw-up, and people who criticize his inept foreign policy [1] will risk looking un-patriotic. *Even if* the war doubles the price of gasoline, which means of course that the new Obama coal regs would stick, for at least 4 years. What a mess.

    Footnote 1 We don’t negotiate with terrorists, we appease them.

  3. If those people do not vote en masse against the current Administration and the members of Congress that support it, then they all deserve to starve to death on the government handouts that will be their only means of survival.

    When the heck is America going to wake up?

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