3 thoughts on “EPA asked to investigate scientific misconduct”

  1. Please do not let this issue go Steve, and thank you for pursuing it. Let us know of any responses from the group you cc’d to as well.

  2. “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” – Juvenal, ‘Satires’
    (“Who watches the watchmen?”)

  3. To me, this is the same as asking a fox to count the hens in a hen house. Then, when he reports a count less that we had counted earlier we ask him to do it again. All to be followed by shock and amazement that the next count is even lower. No surprise to me because a fox is a fox no matter what his title happens to be.

    A functionary of the EPA is an obedient functionary of the EPA and will follow orders or be out of a job. Hence, nothing that the so called scientific adviser will say will have any relevance to the issue you raise. The functionary either agrees with the way the EPA behaved or is totally ineffective in the matter of advising the EPA about science and the proper scientific method. Either way, the response will be meaningless. Whitewash will be a too generous of a term for it.

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