Hansen: Morality of fossil fuel emissions on par with slavery

Fossil fuel exploitation is the all-time greatest life-enhancing achievement of man.

The Guardian reports:

Averting the worst consequences of human-induced climate change is a “great moral issue” on a par with slavery, according to the leading Nasa climate scientist Prof Jim Hansen.

He argues that storing up expensive and destructive consequences for society in future is an “injustice of one generation to others”…

Read the report.

16 thoughts on “Hansen: Morality of fossil fuel emissions on par with slavery”

  1. Nothing so sullies the integrity of humanity as the subversion of science for the servitude of politics. I think Mr Hanson ,by effectively being on the Green payroll has shown how soiled his integrity is. The truly ironic thing here is that following the advice of the uber-green loonies will effectively CREATE world-wide slavery.

  2. Mister Shit Head, James Hansen, collects about three hundred grand in additional funds from greenie groups to make statements like this.

    Address this issue, greenie louses. You have never commented.

  3. Hansen’s hometown called… They want their idiot back… But he serves a very important purpose… every organization needs a laughingstock…

  4. Maybe he has pictures of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin doing the nasty in the LEM? It surely cannot be due to his competence or knowledge – he possesses neither!

  5. Morality of pseudo-science is on par with kingdoms of europe where hereditary monkies tell everyone else what their rights are. Turn off the lights and get back in your cave.

  6. Well, the predictions of climate “science” continue not to come true and new evidence continues to undermine their great theory so what do they do? Scream louder and make increasing hyperbolic claims because YOU idiots STILL don’t believe there’s a CRISIS, DAMMIT!

    Yeah, that’ll work.

  7. More from the Guardian. He’s an obsessive methinks. Get a load of this.

    “We can’t simply say that there’s a climate problem, and leave it to the politicians. They’re so clearly under the influence of the fossil fuel industry that they’re coming up with cockamamie solutions which aren’t solutions. That is the bottom line.”

  8. Excuse (almost) duplicate post; first post required me to login, which returned me, with no sign of what I had posted. On posting again, both posts appeared. Apologies. A feature, I guess.

  9. Hansen says ” ‘We’re handing future generations a climate system which is potentially out of their control’.

    Which suggests that he believes we can “control” climate. I call hubris on the man. He has a large screw loose,

  10. He’s mad.

    Quote – Prof Jim Hansen: ‘We’re handing future generations a climate system which is potentially out of their control‘.

    Which suggests that he believes that we can control the climate. How hubristic is that? Hansen really has a screw loose. Pass the straitjacket. Nurse, prepare the sedative.

  11. Well, one would have to show it’s worse than slavery since they’re promoting slavery as the cure. But is a sci-fi horror imagination worse than slavery? Given Fukushima and CAGW, a thousand Godzillas now developing in the glaciers and ice caps could be just around the corner.

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