'Experts' reject treaty on climate migration

Maybe the UN could carve out a chunk of coastal California for climate refugees and call it Goretopia.

Climatewire reports:

Leading experts on migration yesterday rejected calls for a new international treaty to help people displaced by climate change, saying such an agreement is neither practical nor feasible.

Speaking at the Brookings Institution, the panel of academics and policy leaders said addressing the needs of a still-unknown number of people who may be forced to leave their homes because of increased floods, droughts and other climate-related changes is critical. But, they argued, the legal gaps remain too broad and nations too reluctant for a new comprehensive treaty to work…

Over the course of this decade, climate-induced migration has gone from a little-understood phenomenon to a hot new field of study. Numbers remain elusive. Klein-Solomon noted that experts project anywhere from 25 million to 2 billion people could be displaced — and the issue is often clouded by alarmist calls for action by environmental groups.

2 thoughts on “'Experts' reject treaty on climate migration”

  1. Good God what’s next/ Climate migration? There is no such thing. The Brookings Institution is one of the Globalist’s/New World Order think tanks. Anything from them is to be ignored.

  2. I want to be a climate refugee. It’s too cold here. I want the government to relocate me to the Bahamas.

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