USGS: Atrazine poses little risk to groundwater

“The report baffled some environmentalists.”

Greenwire reports:

The widely used and controversial herbicide atrazine is unlikely to pose a risk of groundwater contamination in agricultural areas, federal scientists said yesterday.

A large study from the U.S. Geological Survey said the herbicide — which is commonly used on corn and sorghum and is manufactured by Syngenta — has less than a 10 percent chance of exceeding U.S. EPA’s drinking water standard in about 95 percent of the nation’s agricultural areas.

The findings are based on new statistical models from more than 20 years of monitoring, USGS said…

The report baffled some environmentalists, who have long pushed for the United States to join many countries that have banned atrazine because of public health concerns.

Olga Naidenko, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, said the study seems to completely ignore the “elephant in the room,” which is contamination of surface water, not groundwater…

Click for the study.

3 thoughts on “USGS: Atrazine poses little risk to groundwater”

  1. EPA has reviewed Atrazine 20 different times with the same result – no threat to man or the environment! An international cancer orgnaization lists Atrazine in the same category as tea for causing cancer. The latest charge by greens is that several frogs in a Missouri lake have grown three hind legs due to Atrazine. Lisa J and her crew appear more than happy to spend tax dollars investigating. Farmers use Atrazine herbicide as a tool to reduce tillage/erosion for weed control.

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