Updated: Climate Alarmist Roll Call

We can now add Louis Farrakhan to the illustrious roll call of benevolent climate alarmists.

Looks who’s worried about the climate!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes in Al Gore but not the Holocaust.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes in Al Gore but not the Holocaust.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said at the COP-15 conference in Copenhagen (Dec. 17) that Iran supports strengthening the Kyoto Protocol’s cap-and-trade scheme.

Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez
Though Venezuela is energy rich, President Hugo Chavez started 2010 by announcing that electricity will be rationed.

Hugo Chavez said at the COP-15 conference in Copenhagen (Dec. 17) that his motto was to “respect and enhance” the Kyoto protocol and that capitalism is the “road to hell.”

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe blames global warming for the destruction of Zimbabwe's agricultural productivity -- not his own racially-motivated seizures of white-owned farms.

Robert Mugabe said at the COP-15 Copenhagen conference that Zimbabwe “stands by” the Kyoto Protocol and that, by not acceding to it, the U.S. is “undermining the rule of global law.”

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro is an Al Gore acolyte.

Fidel Castro has repeatedly criticized the U.S. for not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.

Louis Farrakhan says that God is causing global warming.

3 thoughts on “Updated: Climate Alarmist Roll Call”

  1. Should throw a picture of Obama in there, they have a lot in common politically and spiritually.

  2. Look at the pic. Farrakhan uses the same ‘chin thrust’ as Obama. Coincidence?

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