Shaw: Green Lobby giving Romney a wink and a nod?

“We should note here that the candidates are not responsible for every person who makes legal contributions to their campaigns or to Super PACs who support them.”

Jazz Shaw writes at Hot Air:

As early as last fall, some analysts were looking at Mitt Romney’s “shifting” views when it comes to climate change science. The story they were painting in October was far from subtle…

We should note here that the candidates are not responsible for every person who makes legal contributions to their campaigns or to Super PACs who support them. Similarly, they are not accountable for every single thing their supporters say. But this is sure to spur questions. Should Mitt go so far as to return the money? Or at least thank them for their contribution but make a public statement to “set the record straight” as to his plans on these issues once in office?…

Read the entire commentary.

2 thoughts on “Shaw: Green Lobby giving Romney a wink and a nod?”

  1. Romney’s one step removed from Gingrich sitting on the couch with Nancy fretting about CO2. But at least he’s one step removed. He’s going to be this way on everything junkscience. He needs for us to keep supplying a prosthetic backbone and a prosthetic eye to see little short-term and no long-term political advantage to going down the junkscience rabbit hole.

    And the science isn’t right or left. It’s about honesty and accuracy and the humility of scientists.

  2. “We should note here that the candidates are not responsible for every person who makes legal contributions to their campaigns or to Super PACs who support them. Similarly, they are not accountable for every single thing their supporters say.”
    This SHOULD be saying:”We should note here that the candidates are ACCOUNTABLE TO every person who makes BIG contributions to their campaigns or to Super PACs who support them. Similarly, they are not responsible for every single thing they themselves say.”
    Big political contributors demand a quid pro quo through deeds. They are astute enough to accept the disconnect between what is said and what is done, and recognize that people who rely on public support to maintain their positions of power (elected officials) will say whatever they believe the public wants them to say to keep the public appeased.

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