Sea-level to rise 8-inches by 2030

A Florida telephone repairman sweats global warming — 75 miles inland.

Bloomberg reports:

Even 75 miles (121 kilometers) from the Atlantic Ocean, Smith is bearing part of the cost of rising seas and stronger storms caused by global warming. That’s because U.S. taxpayers help insure against hurricane damage for nearly 5 million Americans, mostly in Florida (BEESFL), whose homes are less than four feet (1.2 meters) above normal high tides. The programs pit beachfront property owners against inland residents who subsidize their policies.

Sea level may rise eight inches in the next 18 years and 80 inches by 2100, Climate Central Inc., a nonprofit research and advocacy organization in Princeton, New Jersey, estimated in a report this month. Global warming doubles the odds of the most- disastrous flooding for two-thirds of 55 U.S. coastal locations studied and triples the chance in about half of those, the group said. The rise of the oceans also may produce stronger storms…

15 thoughts on “Sea-level to rise 8-inches by 2030”

  1. I just wondered if anyone is remembering that land is believed to be still slowly rising after the last glacial period ended. This would affect the geological evidence of past coastlines wouldn’t it?
    I learned that back in the sixties in the U.K so I may be out of date
    The weight of the ice sheets was supposed to depress the land surfaces under them.

  2. I wouldn’t advertise that your information comes from wikipedia if you want to be taken seriously.

    Now, what makes you think sea levels are at their lowest? They have basically been rising since the end of the last glaciation and certainly since the Younger Dryas when they were some 100+ mtrs lower. Certainly they have been a bit higher in the last 3 million years but not a whole lot.

  3. I would draw peoples attention to a Wickepedia article on sea level changes, some of the comments above are forgetting snow that has accumulated on land over thousands of years eventually gets back into the sea. The very interesting point raised in the article is however that on a geological scale sea levels are almost at their lowest ever levels and as a result there is really only one way to go.

  4. This sounds like total alarmist crap to me. 2030 is not that far off- many of us will still be around then. I would like to place a bet with these loonies that their predictions will not come true. Come on, put your money where your mouth is. I want some nice easy money .

  5. People making wild predictions of the catastrophes of global warming might want to check out an old book. In the late 1960’s ‘Criswell Predicts’ was the rage best seller. The book claimed Criswell had a 96% accuracy rate when past predictions were audited. I’ll let the reader perform their own audit. Just go to the link and be spared the task of reading the self-aggrandizement in the book. The facts, just the facts ….

    At least many of those reading Junk Science posts today will be around to check the accuracy of the sea level rise predictions. So far the sea has not visibly risen in the Greek Isles, or my personal favorite at the Fort McHenry sea wall (of Star Spangled Banner fame) in Baltimore. The high water mark hasn’t visibly moved since the wall was built in1805!

  6. Ask any bartender or waitress if meting ice will raise water levels. It cannot. Thank you mitch, you’re right. Every drop of water that has ever been on this planet is still here. We don’t consume it, we use it. It was given to use to use. Why is water the only thing (that I’m aware of) that expands when when it gets cold (it’s called ice); most things shrink. Imagine if water did the same thing. No more ice fishing. Anyway, just my thoughts.

  7. Nils-Axel Morner, Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University, Sweden (1991-2005); President of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003); Leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project (2000 on); Chairman of the INTAS project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997-2003).
    He supplies a few facts.
    (1) In the last 2000 years, sea level has oscillated with 5 peaks reaching 0.6 to 1.2 m above the present sea level.
    (2) From 1790 to 1970 sea level was about 20 cm higher than today
    (3) In the 1970s, sea level fell by about 20 cm to its present level
    (4) Sea level has remained stable for the last 30 years, implying that there are no traces of any alarming on-going sea level rise.
    Even Fat Al believes Nils . . . bough a mansion last year on the Kalifornia coast . . . after he and Hansen told us back in the day that the water was going to rise 30 feet . . . LOL

  8. Question?? Since ice, as we all learned in grade school, displaces more water than it contains, and since we now know that the antartic ice pack is not reducing in area. Where is all this increase in ocean levels supposed to come from? The artic ice was even found to extend far below what was expected. Of course glaciers on greenland etc would be the exception but can someone explain where I am going wrong, if I am?

  9. Can we sue these people later for the massive economic losses we incurred when their predictions turn out to be wrong?

  10. Make a public and permanent record of their predictions and display them 18 years from today.

  11. Must have confused inches with millimeters. See levels are rising at about 1 to 2 mm per year. So in 18 years the rise should be about 1 inch! In 2100, about 5 inches.

  12. I wonder how much the insurance companies are earning in additional windfall (sea-rise?) profits from these clauses in their policies?

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