Rahn: No more GOP whining about overregulation

“Wake up, congressional Republicans… You have the power to stop it and many other outrages.”

Richard Rahn writes in the Washington Times:

… Republicans whine that they cannot control spending because they only control one half of Congress. But the plain fact is that the Constitution is very specific. Any spending bill must be passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the president. Setting aside for the moment the budget agreements that House Republicans, Senate Democrats and the president made about the overall level of spending and funding of the entitlements, there is still much House Republicans can do through the appropriations process to prevent many of the excesses of government.

For instance, there is nothing to prevent the House Republicans from refusing to fund the EPA’s desired budget until the agency puts procedures in place to guarantee the basic constitutional rights of all Americans, including independent judicial review, before any fines or criminal charges are levied. These same rules also should apply to the Securities and Exchange Commission (well-known for its incompetence and overreaching), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other agencies that have a record of abusing citizens…

Wake up, congressional Republicans. When the foreign investments stop flowing freely next year and millions of Americans are losing jobs as a result, you are going to be blamed – and properly so – because you did nothing to stop it. You have the power to stop it and many other outrages. You don’t need Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats or the president to give you permission to stop this…

One thought on “Rahn: No more GOP whining about overregulation”

  1. ” independent judicial review, before any fines or criminal charges are levied”?
    But…but…but that’s the greatest source of accomplishment the EPA has!
    Their Weekly Digest Bulletin trumpets the huge fines they have levied and the punitive litigation they have won. Sign up for their email ‘alerts’ at

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