Propaganda Backfires: Young Americans less interested in the environment than previous generations

“It’s not so much that they don’t think it’s important. They’re just worn out.”

The Washington Post reports:

They have a reputation for being environmentally minded do-gooders. But an academic analysis of surveys spanning more than 40 years has found that today’s young Americans are less interested in the environment and in conserving resources — and often less civic-minded overall — than their elders were when they were young.

The findings go against the widespread belief that environmental issues have hit home with today’s young adults, known as Millennials, who have grown up amid climate change discussion and the mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle.” The environment is often listed among top concerns of young voters.

“I was shocked,” said Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University who is one of the study’s authors. “We have the perception that we’re getting through to people. But at least compared to previous eras, we’re not”…

Meanwhile, 15 percent of Millennials said they had made no effort to help the environment, compared with 8 percent of young Generation X members and 5 percent of young baby boomers.

Millennials also were the least likely to say they had made an effort to conserve electricity and fuel used to heat their homes.

In the case of heating fuel, 78 percent of young baby boomers and 71 percent of young Generation X members said they cut back, compared with 56 percent of Millennials…

10 thoughts on “Propaganda Backfires: Young Americans less interested in the environment than previous generations”

  1. Kids have a natural built-in bull-spit detector. When they watch “inconvenient Truth” than learn that Al Gore is a billionaire that jets all over the planet, they know something is wrong.

  2. The young generation have never liked being told what to do.

    This lot are no different. When the grown ups are telling them to do one thing, they will do the opposite.

  3. Because it is BS. For example, we have been told over and over the “science is settled”. So why do we keep spending tens of billions of dollars per year trying to Prove it is “settled”?

  4. My take is that the kids of today are so narcissistic they could care less if the planet burned or froze. They can’t see, relate to, or care about anything beyond their electronic devices. I have a boy and a girl aged 17 and 16 respectively- just going by what I see.

  5. “In the case of heating fuel, 78 percent of young baby boomers and 71 percent of young Generation X members said they cut back, compared with 56 percent of Millennials…”

    This has mostly to do with cost and very little to do with “environmental concern”. At some point even the sheep begin to balk.

  6. When everything is a civic-minded change and save the world priority, it starts to look like BS. I wonder why.

  7. So the message of make do with less and work harder just does not resonate, eh? Imagine that.

  8. No surprise here! The propaganda, pseudo-science spouted by environmentalists has reached a peak of insanity, and has deprived our young of jobs and a future. Environmentalists oppose anything that will give our young an opportunity in life.

  9. Who couldn’t see this coming? One of the quickest ways to dismay a young climate zealot is to ask them to live with the energy profile of even my childhood, let alone that of my parents.

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