Pioneer Bets On West Texas Shale Oil To Rival Bakken

“Wolfcamp is probably the thickest of any onshore U.S. oil shale play, with up to 1,000 feet of potential payout across hundreds of thousands of acres.”

Investor’s Business Daily reports:

U.S. oil production is enjoying a renaissance, thanks to new technology that has made oil recovery possible in tight shale rock.

The busy Bakken formation in North Dakota and Montana is the largest and best-known oil shale play.

The Eagle Ford in South Texas and the Barnett “combo play” (gas and oil) in North Texas are also fairly famous unconventional plays.

But the Wolfcamp Shale?

“Over the next two or three years, everybody is going to be making a beeline to the Wolfcamp,” said Scott Sheffield, chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD)…

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