Old-School Socialist: Mann a hero beyond Galileo, Sagan, Gould, Carson

Just in case you wondering what a charter member of Democratic Socialists of America was thinking.

In “Michael Mann is a Modern Hero and we need to acknowledge that!,” Don Mikulecky writes on Daily Kos:

…There are too few heroes among the scientific community because of the nature of what we do. Michael Mann was not someone who chose his role. Military persons can anticipate the possibility of being in situations where acts of heroism are called for. Scientists are certainly not in the same situation. Or at least, they have not been for a long time. Galileo comes to mind and it was the Church then that made his life one of great sacrifice. In these times the situation has deteriorated so rapidly that few of us have had a chance to evaluate the impact of what is going on. Science is a threat to the dark forces that are moving to control us all. People like Carl Sagan and Stephen jay Gould were out there early on fighting against these dark forces. They did a lot for us. Rachael Carlson and many others were on the front lines. Yet the situation with Professor Mann is something beyond all that. He has become a symbol for what our future is all about and he did not chose his role. No sane person would have. Read on below and I will try to paint a broad picture of how much is at stake and give you a perspective on how this one Mann has focused on the threat to all of us…

3 thoughts on “Old-School Socialist: Mann a hero beyond Galileo, Sagan, Gould, Carson”

  1. Be sure to vote in the poll that follows beneath the DailyKos article – right at this point in time, Mann is only a hero by one vote…….

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