IBD: Obama Turns Keystone Pipe Dream To Nightmare

“After presidential lobbying, the Senate fell four votes short of taking a giant step toward energy independence as gas prices and unemployment rise. In the White House, everything is going according to plan.”

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes:

The 56-42 vote defeated a proposal by Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., that would have granted approval of the pipeline without any further environmental reviews by the State Department. It came after President Obama personally called lawmakers to lobby for the Hoeven amendment’s defeat. Sixty votes were needed for passage to avoid a filibuster.

As we’ve said, you have to watch what Obama does, not what he says. Press Secretary Jay Carney says the president has not blocked the pipeline, but once again he has. Carney blames the GOP for trying to rush a review, yet the project has been studied for three years, almost as long as it took to win World War II…

Read the entire editorial.

One thought on “IBD: Obama Turns Keystone Pipe Dream To Nightmare”

  1. Energy indepence…. my a$$….

    Crony capitalism at its finest, it’s either Warren and BNSF making the money or the Kochs et all….

    FWIW, from a job perspective, shipping by train is more labor intensice (but not the most profit intensive),,,,

    By the way, I own a large slug of TCP….

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