GM under a global warming cloud

“I love Buicks and Cadillacs! My husband loves his pickup. We’ve been GM owners for 50 years. If GM continues to support the Heartland Institute, we will NOT purchase another GM vehicle.”

McClatchy Newspapers reports:

General Motors, a company that has made strides to lower the carbon footprint of driving, is taking heat from 10,000 of its customers for a donation its charitable foundation made to an institute that casts doubt on climate science.

GM vehicle buyers have posted online comments objecting to the GM Foundation’s gifts of $30,000 in the past two years to the Heartland Institute, a free-market advocacy organization that publicizes its disagreement with prevailing scientific views about evidence of climate change.

“I love Buicks and Cadillacs! My husband loves his pickup. We’ve been GM owners for 50 years. If GM continues to support the Heartland Institute, we will NOT purchase another GM vehicle,” wrote Elaine of Blue Ridge, Ga. Her comments were among dozens posted by Forecast the Facts, a group that advocates for accurate climate reporting by meteorologists…

Read the entire report.

5 thoughts on “GM under a global warming cloud”

  1. If GM is concerned about public comments, here’s one for them. I am currently an owner of two older GM vehicles and looking to replace them. I also believe in the scientific process and that includes debate from sources like the Heartland Insttitute. If GM seeks to suppress scientific debate, I will NOT include any GM vehicle in my search for a replacement. .

  2. GM suffers under the delusion that what is good for GM is good for America. (this has been around for decades). The result has been sloppy management resulting in poorly crafted products as evidenced by the fact the largest auto manufacturer had to be bailed out by the government. I got rid of my last GM product 30 years ago and never looked back. A bailing wire special if there ever was one.

  3. McLatchy: Heartland bad; Forecast the Facts good.

    “Her comments were among dozens posted by Forecast the Facts, a group that advocates for accurate climate reporting by meteorologists”

    McLatchy’s fine editors seem unconcerned that meteorologists report the
    weather, and aren’t involved with climate. But then they’ve never met a
    liberal cause they didn’t like.

  4. Yeah right, she’ll probably buy a Volt and say she didn’t. I say that current GM owners stop buy GM vehicles because their CEO believes in AGW. Oh, and how is that Volt doing anyway?

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