GE ventures back into climate alarmism?

If green is so good for GE, how come its stock has performed so terribly for 10+ years?

The Financial Times reports:

General Electric has brushed aside the doubts leading Republican presidential contenders have raised about climate science.

The US industrial and financial conglomerate said it had long seen climate change as a valid concern after an internal evaluation of the scientific case in 2005.

“We found enough data there to have a company like GE respond and we have responded,” said Mark Vachon, head of the “ecomagination” sustainable business initiative GE launched in that year. He said revenues generated by operations in his portfolio now totalled $100bn and were growing at more than twice the rate of those in the rest of the company…

Read the entire report.

But last May, GE CEO Jef Immelt regretted being so green.

One thought on “GE ventures back into climate alarmism?”

  1. GM needs alarmism to keep selling those “bird grinders”. People who really need energy use coal.

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