Gallup: Most independents reject global warming

“Democrats have politicized the weather. Now it bites them in the tail as Democrats are shown to be reactionary Luddites who reject actual science.”

Don Surber reports at the Daily Mail (Charleston, WV):

Democrats are out of the mainstream when it comes to global warming. A Gallup Poll found that only 28% of independents believe in global warming (only 19% of Republicans do).

But the Democratic Party continues to languish in its unscientific superstition that the sins of man’s materialism will cause Gaia to punish us by creating Hell On Earth.

A plurality of Democrats — 43% — believe in global warming.

This is based on such “scientific” evidence as it hitting 80 degrees in Chicago, which President Obama said made him a little nervous about global warming…

2 thoughts on “Gallup: Most independents reject global warming”

  1. Yea, where I live it is ery vwarm today as well, actually we won’t see temps like this again until July. This is torture, that’s what it is, torture.

    I realize that the warmists are claiming that today’s nice weather is proof of our materialistic sins and that we should all repent, build wind turbines and eat tofu .

    But I say, if this is what we can expect in the future from global warming, BRING IT ON!!!


  2. Warm weather in Chicago makes the Warmist-in-Chief nervous? See, it’s actually about the weather after all.

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