3 thoughts on “EPA IG to investigate EPA air science advisers”

  1. The Inspector General office in the EPA does not directly report to the EPA Commissioner and is an independent function in Government agencies.

    The Office of Inspector General is an independent office within EPA that helps the Agency protect the environment in a more efficient and cost effective manner. We consist of auditors, program analysts, investigators, and others with extensive expertise. Although we are a part of EPA, Congress provides us with our funding separate from the Agency, to ensure our independence. We were created as pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended [PDF 24pp, 173KB].

    Arthur A. Elkins, Jr., Inspector General

  2. Notice that the IG letter specifically excludes carbon dioxide. It is already a whitewash. Note, too, how the IG at the DOJ and the Energy Department are being used to hold documents so that Congress cannot gain access.

  3. Looks promising. But should a branch of the EPA be investigating the EPA? Prepare for a whitewash.

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