Deniergate Fallout: Professor details role as climate consultant

But where is the news article on Kerry Emanuel?

The Columbia Tribune reports:

A University of Missouri professor has been caught in the cross hairs of a national scandal involving leaked documents from the Heartland Institute.

The institute is a think tank that, among other things, explores claims that humans cause climate change. Last month, environmental activist Peter Gleick admitted to stealing someone else’s identity to obtain internal Heartland documents, which included records showing that the institute pays six university professors to provide consulting services.

Tony Lupo, department chair and professor of atmospheric science at MU, is one of the six. He receives $750 a month for eight hours of work, according to his disclosure forms on file with the university. Lupo describes that work as helping Heartland better understand scientific journal articles.

Like the institute, Lupo has challenged theories that humans are causing global warming.

“There’s no doubt the climate is changing; that’s a given,” he said. “But the question is: What’s causing it. Is it mankind alone, which a lot of people say? Is it some mix of man and nature? Or is it nature? I would say nature is mostly responsible. There may be a role for man in there somewhere, but how much, I don’t know”…

Read the entire report.

Read “Winning! JunkScience forces Emanuel to disclose insurance employers.”

2 thoughts on “Deniergate Fallout: Professor details role as climate consultant”

  1. I see nothing wrong with Lupo’s role. Where is the controversy? We should be encouraging more collaborative relationships of this nature between industry, thing tanks, and academia.

    Of course, what about all the relationships between the green sector and academia? Don’t see those reported on very often, if at all.

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