Climate Change Skepticism Stems from Recession, UConn Study Finds

No small irony in the “UConn” part.

From a University of Connecticut media release:

In recent years, the American public has grown increasingly skeptical of the existence of man-made climate change. Although pundits and scholars have suggested several reasons for this trend, a new study shows that the recent Great Recession has been a major factor.

Lyle Scruggs, associate professor of political science in UConn’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, suggests that this shift in opinion is related primarily to the public’s concern about the economy.

“That the economy impacts the way people prioritize the problem of climate change is uncontroversial,” says Scruggs. “What is more puzzling is why support for basic climate science has declined dramatically during this period…

5 thoughts on “Climate Change Skepticism Stems from Recession, UConn Study Finds”

  1. Associate Professor Scruggs, it appears that you believe that out of every 100,000 molecules of air the 39 molecules of carbon dioxide are overheating the other 99,961 molecules of other gasses. Not only that, but the 1.5 molecules contributed by all human activity are especially critical to a reuaway overheating of the Earth. I think I see why you chose political science for your major.

  2. Of course, it never occurs to such geniuses that many people might actually understand that the science behind the headlines is lousy.

  3. I think they’ve a point, though possibly not in the way they see it. When money is plentiful and wealth seems assured people search for status and fame- and supporting AGW theory provided a path to those.
    When money gets tight people start to seek wealth- so support for AGW theory wanes.
    That is AGW theory depended for its success on the boom and will fail in the bust.

  4. Desperation in a bogus academic study, what a surprise. Let’s prosecute the radical green thieves and take our government back?

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