Claim: Global warming threatens groundwater supply

But water is the most abundant substance on the planet.

Climatewire reports:

Climate change has drawn a lot of attention to water issues such as sea-level rise, flooding and drought. But scientists say there’s another piece of the puzzle we’ve failed to notice, and it’s right beneath our feet.

At least 43 percent of all water used for drinking and irrigation comes from underground aquifers, which can take thousands of years to refill. When rainfall is scarce, the surface water in reservoirs, lakes and rivers dries up, and people are forced to rely heavily on local groundwater. With drought predicted to increase as the climate warms, many experts are beginning to worry about the long-term sustainability of the world’s aquifers.

“We don’t see groundwater, so we don’t know the resource is dwindling,” said Jason Gurdak, an assistant professor of geosciences at San Francisco State University who has been working with a team of scientists on a book called “Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources.”

“We’re already pumping groundwater at such a high rate that the water tables are declining rapidly,” he said. “A lot of what we’re doing right now is diminishing the resource for the future“… [Emphasis added]

Under the highlighted rationale, all natural resources could be put off limits permanently.

5 thoughts on “Claim: Global warming threatens groundwater supply”

  1. Tim Flannery
    A$180k/a for 3 days a week.
    For someone who’s always been wrong.

  2. But Coach, where’s the STEAM from all that boiling? Do they grow tea on the slopes of Mt.Kiliminjaro? If that steam vented from the mountainside, it’s make for one heck of cup of tea, all running down the Mt-side, and just imagine the SIZE of the crumpet to go with.

  3. This explains where the missing heat is going. It’s boiling the aquifers and we can’t even see it. Alert Trenberth. No. Really. He’s already dispensed with the need to explain how the heat gets there by claiming it’s at the bottom of the ocean where we can’t measure and Argo shows no transfer from the surface. All he needs is a report of a drying aquifer. Preferably somewhere near Mt. Kiliminjaro.

  4. Tom, you are correct. There are basins that catch water, which can later be put into the aquifers. Due to our Eco-nazis, dams are very hard to get built, but catch-basins will hold snow-melt from the mountains of Arizona, where the existing dams have HAD to release water to prevent overflow. We have thousands of miles of pipeline that carry oil, gas, and coal-slurry–all in batches, so why can’t water be sucked-out of flooding areas and put into the pipes and sent to drought-regions, because some states have too much water(flooding), and some not enough(drought). What’s even weirder for the sensible Aussies, is that the same FOOL that predicted drought, has been WRONG for 4 years in a row, and he’s PAID $180K/yr for this stupidity! Sometimes, if Globalists are running the water district, they WANT to waste the water, then claiming that “water-management”/agriculture doesn’t work here, to kill-off, business-wise, farming/ranching/anything else that makes money.

  5. A key assumption is implicit in the phrase “With drought predicted to increase as the climate warms”. The large number of dams in Australia that are full to overflowing invalidates this assumption. Perhaps MORE dams are needed to provide more fresh water storage and to replenish the aquifers instead of allowing good rainwater to flow into the seas.

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