China to UNFCC: Developed countries need to cut emissions first

Warmism is doomed to failure.

Climatewire reports:

China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, told the United States and other industrialized nations yesterday that they alone bear responsibility for ratcheting down more carbon before 2020.

In a submission to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, China dismissed the idea that it or other nations considered to be still developing under the laws of the climate regime must consider the question of how to cut further emissions beyond the pledges they made two years ago.

“Developed country Parties should take the lead in reducing their emissions by undertaking ambitious mitigation commitments and fulfill their obligations by providing financial resources and transferring technology to developing country Parties,” China’s diplomats wrote.

The submissions are called for under the Durban Platform, an agreement that all nations including the United States and China helped negotiate and sign at the most recent U.N. climate conference in Durban, South Africa. It calls for countries to recommend ways to “close the ambition gap” — a reference to the space between emission pledges nations offered up and the amount required to keep the world below a 2-degree-Celsius rise in global temperatures…

Click for the Chinese submission.

Read “China to be all-time emissions leader by 2035.”

2 thoughts on “China to UNFCC: Developed countries need to cut emissions first”

  1. Hooray for Red China, in this instance. No global-warming=0 “Need” to TAX ourselves for the benefit of the U.N./other mixed-greens.

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