5 thoughts on “Beverage Industry Responds to Study on Heart Disease Risk from Soda”

  1. You’re all in the pay of big beverage. Damn those hydrogen and carbon molecules in all their life destroying combinations. /s BTW, I love throwback pepsi, I don’t drink it all the time, and I don’t have diabetes.

    General Rule 1: If you have a problem with any natural food or mineral – like sugar or salt or water poisoning, the problem is with you – not the substance.

    General Rule 2: If you have a problem with trace amounts of chemicals like Alar, DDT, and BPAs, the problem is your fear.

  2. It’s all about balance people, and the proper balance for one person may not be the correct one for someone else. There is no singe formula that will work for everyone. So listen to your body and pay attention to what it is telling you and get a good mix that’s right for you. If you are lactose intolerant like me, then obviously avoid foods containing lactose. If you have diabetes then you must closely control your carb input. And get some exercise daily, especially if you have an office job like I do. It’s common sense.

  3. “Carbohydrates are carbohydrates.”

    We have to be very careful with this kind of blanket statement. First, there are massive nutritional differences between foods. Even if a glass of freshly squeezed organge juice has the same amount of sugar as a can of soda (I’m not saying it is the same amount or type, just saying for purposes of discussion), the nutritional content of the two is vastly different. There has been a fad to place “carbs” into a single bucket, particularly by the no-carb diets, which is not accurate. There is no comparison of nutritional value between, say, eating a handful of carrots and eating a donut, even if both have the same amount of “carbs.” (Same goes with fat. Eating a spoonful of lard and a handful of nuts may have the same amount of “fat,” but the nutritional value is wildly different.)

  4. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes some 6 years ago. Armed with that knowledge and a blood glucose meter, I soon discovered a diet, life style, and medical treatment that allowed me to maintain normal blood glucose levels (a1c of ~5.4) ever since.

    It meant reducing my intake of simple AND complex carbohydrates by a sufficient amount so that my blood glucose hardly ever exceeded 120. I refocused my diet away from what I called naked carbohydrates (sugars, pastry, flour based products, sweet fruits, roots, and the like) to meat, leaves, stems, high fiber vegetables, and beans with a total available carbohydrate load of well UNDER 100 grams per day. My body has adjusted and now I can go over that limit once in a while and still maintain normal blood glucose levels.

    As Susan says, my body can’t tell the difference between a sugar containing soda and pure, fresh, natural fruit juice. I avoid both as if they were poisons which, for me, they are. My body tells me the truth when I am willing to listen. Vegans and the ADA not so much.

  5. What the usual vegan would have people do is drink apple juice or orange juice or other high carbohydrate “natural” beverages instead of “sugary sodas”. These are just as bad for your blood sugar control as colas. Carbohydrates are carbohydrates. Anyone who wants to avoid sugar sweetened beverages has plenty of options including plain old tap water. It is the high carbohydrate diet composed of massive amounts of rice, bread, potatoes and other high carb foods that leads to out of control blood sugar in the population which is susceptible to diabetes ( i.e . not everyone is). This is what is pushed by the vegans who would have you believe that “dehydrated cane juice” is something other than sugar. And again. Correlation is not causation.

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