A bugged life: Warm winter could mean more insects

As might be expected, global warming only helps “bad” insects while only harming “good” insects.

The Washington Post reports:

This eerily warm winter might soon get creepy.

Awakened from hibernation underground, in rotting wood and the cracks of your house, bugs are on the rise. Ants, termites, mosquitoes, ladybugs and ticks are up early and looking for breakfast.

Orkin, the pest control company, recently said its agents nationwide are reporting a 30 percent increase in calls to treat ant infestations compared with this time last year. Termite swarms do not normally show up until the end of March, but Orkin received 85 termite-control calls in February.

An Orkin branch in Montgomery County, which serves the District, has already responded to mosquito sightings this year. And the National Pest Management Association, based in Fairfax, issued an early warning of ticks, possibly carrying Lyme disease, lurking in back yards.

County agricultural extension agents across the country are sending out bug alerts to farmers.

“These things are coldblooded,” said Mike Raupp, a professor of entomology at the University of Maryland. “Whenever we have a warm winter, they’re going to be out earlier. How do you stop them? You pray for cold weather.”

A mild winter is not great for all bugs, including some highly beneficial insects. Some were up and about when they should have been idle and hibernating, burning less energy, experts say. When this happens, they gobble the food they stored for the winter and emerge into a world where food is scarce. Many starve…

Read the entire report.

2 thoughts on “A bugged life: Warm winter could mean more insects”

  1. Kinda like, if we lose all the polar bears, the baby seal population will thrive. See!! Nuttin’s all bad.

  2. What about the birds relishing these bugs and critters? They will reproduce earlier to eat more of them. They even eat them during a warm winter if those fly and creep around. So what?
    Just looking on both sides of the equation …

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