Wrong: Christian Science Monitor headline on Heartland leak

“Documents reveal Koch-funded group’s plot to undermine climate science.”

Not only do the leaked documents from Heartland not indicate any “plot to undermine climate science” — something that has already been undermined by Michael Mann and his hokey stick — but of Heartland’s $4.6 million 2011 budget, only $25,000 (0.5%) came from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation — and the $25,000 was earmarked for Heartland’s Health Care News project. So the CSM headline is entirely wrong.

3 thoughts on “Wrong: Christian Science Monitor headline on Heartland leak”

  1. I could not help but notice the caption of the picture claims that it is ‘coal smoke’, although it is as white as fog or steam and most of the alleged ‘smoke’ seems to be rising off the ground rather than off the smokestacks. The power plant photographed is close to the Gulf Coast, where humidity often runs close to 100%. Compare this with genuine pictures of ‘black sooty’ coal smoke from steam locomotives, old Navy vessels, or THEIR OWN picture of Chinese coal smoke:
    Once upon a time there was a comparatively reliable source of unbiased news called the Christian Science Monitor…

  2. All of the articles jumping on the fraudulent smear against Heartland and some of their donors and colleagues is unusually strong evidence of the media’s bias and willingness to serve as Lysenkoistic attack dogs for the warmists. They should not be allowed to say “oh, never mind” and slink after Heartland exposes their fraud in clearer terms. It’s not just DeSmog at fault here.

  3. Headlines fequently bear no resemblance to the content of the article, much less to reality.

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