Video: Karl Rove TV Ad on Solyndra

“A big government fiasco, infused with politics at every level. $500 million to Solyndra, now bankrupt.”

Greenwire reports,

With another national cable buy today, the Karl Rove-backed conservative advocacy group Crossroads GPS has now spent $1 million in a little over two months on ads aimed at ensuring that the Solyndra scandal remains a thorn in President Obama’s side as he heads into his re-election battle.

The newest Solyndra commercial from the 501(c)(4), which is a sister organization to the well-funded political action committee American Crossroads, comes less than three weeks after another conservative interest group with ties to the Koch brothers launched a $6 million television ad campaign blasting Obama over the solar energy company that received over half a billion dollars through a Department of Energy loan guarantee program.

Today’s ad — which will air for a week on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC at a cost of $500,000 — opens by noting that Obama promised that his administration’s investment in a clean energy economy would result in hundreds of thousands of jobs.

“Then he gave his political backers billions,” a narrator says.

The ad then flashes headlines from last year’s FBI raid on Solyndra’s headquarters in the wake of the company’s bankruptcy filing.

“A big government fiasco, infused with politics at every level. $500 million to Solyndra, now bankrupt.”

3 thoughts on “Video: Karl Rove TV Ad on Solyndra”

  1. The FBI raid was a farce. The Obama administration need to gather up any embarrassing and put it under its control.

  2. Wonder how much the Chinese spent in subsidies to their solar industry to guarantee they bankrupted Solyndra?

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