UK climate minister quits after criminal charges

Cameron has appointed a green to take Huhne’s place.

The New York Times reports:

British leader David Cameron made a third unwanted shake up of his government since 2010 on Friday after Cabinet minister Chris Huhne quit as prosecutors charged him over an alleged attempt to pin a speeding penalty on his ex-wife.

Huhne, who will continue to serve in Parliament with the Liberal Democrat party, will appear in court later this month to face a criminal charge of perverting the course of justice.

The charge follows an eight-month police investigation into an allegation that Huhne persuaded his now ex-wife, economist Vicky Pryce, to accept a speeding penalty on his behalf in 2003, to avoid a driving ban.

Pryce, who is also charged with the same offense, split from Huhne in 2010 after he was exposed as having an affair with his public relations adviser Carina Trimingham.

A police inquiry was launched after Pryce was interviewed by The Sunday Times newspaper last year and alleged that Huhne had asked someone else to take the rap for the 2003 speeding offense, as he feared losing his diving license.

Huhne, who was energy and climate change secretary, denies any wrongdoing. In a letter sent to Cameron tendering his resignation, he said he would “mount a robust defense” against the criminal charges.

Cameron confirmed Huhne’s fellow Liberal Democrat Ed Davey, 46, would take over the position handling the climate change and energy ministry.

Davey had been a junior minister in the business department since 2010, responsible for the country’s postal service and consumer affairs. However, Cameron’s office insisted that did not signal there would be a new, pro-business approach toward the climate brief…

Read the entire Times report.

4 thoughts on “UK climate minister quits after criminal charges”

  1. Time for David Cameron to bring in Lord Monckton to take the Climate Change position, and bring some sense back to our British colleagues on the planet.

  2. I misread it at first. Silly me!!

    I thought it said, “climate change and energy misery.” And that would make a weird sort of sense, considering that misery is all they (the kommy-greens) have to offer us.

  3. “Cameron confirmed Huhne’s fellow Liberal Democrat Ed Davey, 46, would take over the position handling the climate change and energy ministry.”

    Why dont they include the Ministry of Silly walks as well?

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