Trump funds £10m anti-wind farm war chest to ‘preserve nature’

But no mention of the sand dunes he built on.

The Daily Mail reports:

Donald Trump, the American property tycoon, is bankrolling a £10million fighting fund for British anti-windfarm campaigners.

The move follows proposals for 11 giant turbines off the Aberdeenshire coast, which Mr Trump says will spoil the view from his golfing resort on the Balmedie estate, near Menie.

The billionaire believes the structures, each as high as a 64-storey building, will besmirch the unspoilt landscape surrounding the £750million, 1,200 acre complex.

But with the resort being built over a site of special scientific interest, Mr Trump’s sudden lust for preserving the environment may open him to accusations of hypocrisy.

Locals campaigned in vain to save the sand dunes – home to numerous species of wading birds and wildlife – but they were finally bulldozed to make way for the fairways…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Trump funds £10m anti-wind farm war chest to ‘preserve nature’”

  1. Oh, my, Trump is a BILLIONAIRE. You have to be against him.

    And he’s a TYCOON, oh, my.


    This is startling:

    “Britain currently has about 3,000 onshore wind turbines and several hundred offshore.

    A further 6,000 to 10,000 turbines are needed onshore and up to 25,000 around the coasts if greenhouse gas emission cuts targets are to be met, the energy and climate change department estimates.”

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