Stockton, Calif. to save planet, go broke

$270 million to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 0.00188%?

The Stockton (Calif.) Record reports:

The city has a tentative plan to combat climate change, more than three years after reaching a legal settlement with the Sierra Club and then-Attorney General Jerry Brown.

Whether the plan will ever be put into action is another question.

The climate plan – released this week – proposes reducing Stockton’s greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent below 2005 levels, using more than two dozen voluntary and mandatory strategies to make buildings more energy efficient, get people out of their cars and reduce water consumption and waste, among other things.

It wouldn’t be cheap. If adopted by the Stockton City Council later this year, the plan could cost the city $28.5 million and could cost the private sector $240 million, the document says…

The plan would reduce Stockton’s carbon footprint by more than 564,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide – about the same as taking 100,000 passenger cars off the road each year, or reducing gasoline consumption by 60 million gallons…

Read the entire report.

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