Steve Israel: Filmmaker’s arrest at Capitol Hill fracking hearing just plain wrong

But Gasland creep Josh Fox had no permission, is not a journalist and the hearing was being streamed live.

Steve Israel writes in the Times-Herald Record:

No matter how you feel about gas drilling, you have to feel it was wrong to ban Pennsylvania filmmaker Josh Fox from a congressional hearing on the controversial natural gas extraction method of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”…

One thought on “Steve Israel: Filmmaker’s arrest at Capitol Hill fracking hearing just plain wrong”

  1. He went there knowing he would be kicked out. He went there knowing he was in the wrong. He went there for a no lose situation. If he got in, he would disrupt the meeting and get footage for his next documentry of him being escorted out for asking his questions. Or if he couldn’t get in, he would get fottage of being denied. Wanna bet he had the cameras running before he even got there? So his documentry will have a scene about how he tried to get answers but was barred from asking them.

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