Scott Stenholm: Santorum’s Stance on Climate Change — Not Very Christian

Did we miss the gospel of St. Mann, who was crucified on the hokey stick?

Stenholm writes at Huffington Post:

… it is not Santorum’s inability to embrace the scientific data on man-made climate change that makes his stance so appalling. It is his repeated lack of desire to protect ‘God’s Green Earth’ and his lack of compassion for the millions of people who have already been harmed by the devastating effects of climate change that makes his stance so wildly un-Christian…

He may make for a more attractive conservative candidate for his base, but a good Christian he is not.

Read the screed.

4 thoughts on “Scott Stenholm: Santorum’s Stance on Climate Change — Not Very Christian”

  1. The problem with the AGW crowd is they use God for their own purposes, not use their purposes to grow closer to the lord. God gave man free will, and as such the challenges presented on an INDIVIDUAL level are meant for us to seek Him. The Kingdom of God is within you, surely if you seek, it you shall find it, is straight out of scripture. The collective dictates of people who think they know better, and then play a “God Card” when it suits their needs, is nothing more than idolatry, worship of self, and of the earth, which many of this crowd denies was created by God anyway!

    2 can play the God card game.. and in the end Eccl 1-9 rings true.. There is nothing new under the sun, including people seeking to use God to further their own measures

  2. The best way for Stenholm to discredit Santorium is to build an altar to Baal, (the god of storms) and offer a human sacrifice on it. Planned Parenthood or Los Zetas could provide one. Then he should dance upon the altar, cut himself with a razor blade and cry aloud “Oh Baal hear us!”

  3. “Did we miss the gospel of St. Mann, who was crucified on the hokey stick?”
    Hahahaha…..Well said brother, well said. “millions..already…harmed by…. climate change”. Wonder what the Green Bible says about lying, maybe we should ask Saint Gleick.

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